Expressing Our Love To and For God

Two weeks ago, during my study time, Holy Spirit laid on my heart the Five Love Languages.  Immediately, the question came to mind, if God is all things, then all five love languages represent God. Then, I quickly thought about my relationship with the Lord.  If a relationship with the Lord is based on our Love connection with Him, then it only stands to reason that by conveying our love to Him through the Love Languages would be appropriate. 

So, the question is, would God know we love Him by our expression of the Love Languages to Him?

#1 – GIFTS.   Do we show our love to God by the gifts we give?  By the way we spend our finances?  If God looked at how we spend our money would He be able to see our Love for Him?  Do we give gifts to His children?  Do we tithe, give offerings, do we help the widows and the poor?  Do we give when we see a need or are we more apt to give to ourselves?  

#2 – TIME.  Would God know that we love Him by the time we spend with Him?  By the time we spend praying, reading our Bible or another Godly inspired book?  Do we spend time helping others, making a meal for someone, volunteering at church or another ministry?  We all have 24 hours in a day, 168 hours in a week and 8,736 hours in a year.  If God looked at our calendar or our cell phone log, would He know that we loved Him by the time we spend focusing on Him?

#3 – ACTS OF SERVICE.  If God looked at our lives would there be enough time spent on doing something nice for someone, all in the name of Jesus, that God would see our heart and our passion for serving His sheep here on earth with our time and talents?  Let me say this, if you are raising a family and all consumed with sports and school and then your own job, then maybe this area will get more attention when time allows.  However, that being said, what can you do for another family to be the hands and feet of the God you say you love?  What burden can you lift for another family or a single parent who’s balancing it all on their own?  Maybe drop their child off after school or practice even if it’s ten minutes out of the way.  Just a suggestion.  I know if you ask the Lord, He will give you an idea that won’t be too taxing on you.

#4 – TOUCH.  WOW!!! This one is going to seem a little more difficult.  When did your heart break for the same things that God’s heart breaks for?  When did your tears and concern over another person’s soul touch the heart of God?  When did you weep and pray over another person’s tragedy or illness or loss that touched God’s heart?  What breaks God’s heart should break ours.  Are we Heavenly/Kingdom minded, or are we earthly minded?

#5 – Words of Affirmation.  Okay, here’s the question…How many “Names of God” can we quote?  I can say honestly, I wish I could list more than I can right now.  All of us are probably in the same boat.  We wish we knew more than what we do.   In our Experiencing God study book, there are two pages listing all the Names, Titles, and Descriptions of God.  There are almost 300 listed.  OH, MY GOLLY!!!  That’s a lot!!!  So, the question is when we talk to God, when we pray, do we remind Him of who He is?  Do we thank Him for who He is?  Do we thank Him for being our Healer, our Provider?  I googled and found a link that has over 200 names and titles, 200 is a good place for us to begin, don’t you think? 😊  Maybe, if you can, print it out and read it every day along with your devotions.  I’m betting it will change your heart and maybe even your perspective on how you view your Heavenly Father.  I’m betting it will take you into a deeper relationship with Him.

My prayer is that this has given you a new perspective on how we can relate to God.  That it opened our eyes to how we express our love to Him.  That it made us more aware of the attention we give to Him.  It’s not designed to condemn but to draw us closer in our love relationship with Him and to make us aware of the little things we might be able to do that will show our love for our God.  He gave His son, can we give Him our gifts, talents, and time?