The Vision
Destiny Girls Home
Destiny Girls Home, a 12-month sequestered, faith-centered residential home, is Phase 1 of a two-phase initiative for Destiny’s Calling Ministries. The facility will provide survivors of sex and human trafficking, a successful and sustainable program, through proven methods with measurable results, that will set each resident up for success and entry into a confident, independent life.
The Chapel and Pavillion
Another initiative in Phase 1 will be the construction of a Chapel and a Pavilion which can be used for after-school programs, wedding venues, and fellowship center.
Victori Village
Phase 2 is the construction of Victori Village that will offer residents a smooth transition from sequestered living to semi-independence within the campus. The Village will consist of micro-homes that will allow graduates of Destiny Girls Home to live an independent lifestyle with accountability for up to three years.