Greetings Everyone,
Change is in the air. Here in Minnesota the temperature is going to drop significantly this week, bringing with it the cold weather and SNOW!!! The change is telling us that fall is almost over and winter isn’t far away. Change is coming.
Change is different for all of us. What is God speaking to you about regarding change? Maybe you’re like my family and change is going to happen in many ways. Geographical is just one of the ways that change is taking place for us. The ministry is changing, it’s going to get a permanent home in Charlotte. Change is exciting and daunting all at the same time. Can you relate?
We finished chapter one of our study on The Daniel Prayer last week. Subtitled: “Prayer that moves Heaven and changes Nations”. In this season of change are you needing your prayers to radically change the world around you? Your family, your finances, your health? For many of us we would answer a resounding YES!!!
Last week the author, Anne Graham Lotz talked about changing your prayer routine. She suggested establishing a regular routine. Finding a spot that you can “set up shop” (that’s my term) where you can regularly meet with God. Get your bible, a notebook, a pen, Kleenex (Yes, even Kleenex) whatever it is that you like to have. P.S. it may not be perfect the first time you sit down, so don’t expect it to. I even have note cards to write down things that come to mind that I need to do for the day. If I write them down, then I can quickly go back to studying. Get your coffee, and maybe even a blanket, if your temperature has changed, so you are comfortable and not distracted. These little details are the first steps to setting your prayer life up for success. Change is in the air and the first place change needs to take place is, is in us. If our prayers aren’t getting answered, is it because God isn’t listening? I don’t think so. Or is it because we haven’t given prayer a position of priority in our life? I would venture to say it’s the latter.
Join us this evening as we dive into Chapter Two, Compelled To Pray. Lord, compel us to pray fervently, without ceasing.
Here is the call-in information:
Following is the call-in information for the “Pursuing Destiny” call:
1) Time: 7:30 p.m. EST
2) Phone Number: (515) 739-1285
3) Access Code: 785211#
Please remember to “Mute” your phone once you are connected. Thanks!