Pentecost 2020

Greetings Mighty Warriors,

Last night we had the opportunity to worship and Celebrate Pentecost!!!  What a privilege it is to remember what happened on the 50th day after Jesus’ resurrection and 10 days after He ascended into heaven.  When the original Pentecost happened, they were all in one accord AND THEN a Rushing Mighty Wind invaded their space, their life, their lockdown environment, and Took Over Their Lives.  Those Men and Women were never the same.  They had gone from hiddenness to openness in a matter of moments.  They went from obscurity to notoriety in seconds.  They moved from common folk to Preachers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, in a millisecond.  They went from shy, reserved individuals and became Bold, Outspoken, Unashamed of Jesus in a suddenly.  Suddenly, everything changed.  Suddenly, there was no more normal for these people.  Suddenly, what they couldn’t do before, now they could.  Suddenly, they were bold and willing to stand for up, no matter what the cost was.  Suddenly, they had a power unlike anything they had ever experienced before.  Suddenly, they knew what to say and when to say it.  SUDDENLY, in a blink of an eye, EVERYTHING CHANGED. 

Why, you ask?  Because they were surrendered to God’s plan and purpose for their lives.  Suddenly, they had shifted from their agenda to God’s agenda.  Suddenly, they realized that the only thing that really mattered was sharing the love of Christ with others. Suddenly, they humbled themselves and put God first. Suddenly, they were totally submitted to God. Suddenly, they realized that Christ died, rose again and now did exactly what He said He would do, He sent Holy Spirit to empower them, to walk with them, to encourage them, to give them boldness, and to give them authority like they had never experienced before.  Suddenly, there was a shift in their lives that allowed them to see things in a new way, to open their eyes to what they had not seen in the past.  Suddenly, the only thing that mattered was the call and destiny that God had assigned to each of them, individually and collectively.  Suddenly!!! Suddenly, everything shifted, and everything changed. 

How, you ask?  Because, they waited.  They lingered.  They tarried.  They prayed.  They sought God for direction.  They were in a posture of expectation.  They had a spirit of anticipation.  They were tired of the status quo and wanted more.  They were willing to sit there until they heard from God, no matter how long it took.  They were hungry, they wanted more.  They wanted all God had for them.  They wanted to use the gift or gifts that God had given each of them and use them for His glory.  They changed their focus from self-intended to a Kingdom minded purpose.

What happened then, you ask?  3,000 were added to the number of believers, IMMEDIATELY!!!  They saw results immediately!!!  Revival broke out.  They didn’t have to wait for days and weeks.  NO, they walked out that door of the Upper Room and immediately made a difference.  There was no delay, no hesitancy on God’s part, or theirs.  They set their minds to be intentional and it happened.  They preached the gospel with a boldness unlike they had ever known.

Now what, you ask?  Pentecost 2020 was an opportunity for us, as Believers, to replicate the original Pentecost.  We were able to celebrate it, in OUR HOMES, sequestered, locked down, isolated, lingering, tarrying, waiting, experiencing it just as they did over 2,000 years ago. I believe His power was activated in each of us yesterday on Pentecost Sunday.  

His power is going to be expressed through us with a boldness unlike we have ever known before.  It’s to remind us to lay down our agenda and pick up His.  To recognize what is truly important.  To adjust our focus, and to be Kingdom focused.  I believe that Holy Spirit has anointed each of us to carry out the specific assignment He has empowered each of us to do. 

Now the question is, will we do it?  Revival is coming.  Will we be a part of it, or will we let others do the work?  We can do our part, or we can sit back and let someone else be used.  It’s our choice.  Kathryn Kuhlman asked God why He chose her, and the Lord said to her; “Because the first three people I asked said No”.  Will you say Yes today, or will you say No?


Diana Lynn
Destiny’s Calling Ministry’s