What a Year, What a Year!!!
2018 has been quite the year. On one hand everything that could be shaken has been shaken and yet on the other hand everything that was intended to stand has stood the test. As a ministry we have seen God’s hand upon us and we see how He is positioning us for the next step. As many of you know we are relocating the ministry to Charlotte, North Carolina in February of 2019. On one hand it’s been exciting and then on the other it’s been crazy busy and has seemed like the move that keeps on keeping on. Kind of like the movie Ground Hog Day!!! Where the day just repeats itself.
This morning in my quiet time I had a conversation with God that I thought I would share.
My goal for the next thirty-one days is to read five Psalms a day. So, as I began today to read the first five, I got to Psalm 2 verse 8 which says: “Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession. You will rule them with an iron scepter; you will dash them to pieces like pottery.”
As many of you know I teach to listen and read prophetically. So, when I read this verse, I knew the Holy Spirit was speaking to me, again. Now, what you should know is this. This is a verse that Holy Spirit has impressed on me a few different times over the years. I know that because I have it dated in my bible every time. He reminds me that He is making this promise to me. When God speaks to me, I always mark my bible (Yes, I write in my precious bible) I make this sign; “P”, to signify it was a prophetic word from Him that He was speaking directly to My Spirit. So, on 12/28/06 was the first time He gave me this promise, and He’s continued to remind me of it ever since then. Reminding me of what He said on five more dates: 08/05/09, 11/16/10, 01/06/11, 07/20/13, and now on 12/15/18. Along with giving me this promise He also had me look up how many nations there are. Now, if my information is correct there are 196 Nations!!! WOWZIE!!! That’s a lot of nations and a lot of people. It wouldn’t seem possible however, it’s interesting if you look at the existing leadership of Destiny’s Calling Ministry you will see that Nations are represented. WOWZIE, Again!!!
So, I had a conversation with the Lord about this, here’s how it went. Lord, I believe that you are giving us nations. I believe that you can do this, and I believe that I can do this. However, Lord, I wonder if I heard you correctly. Is this what you have called me to do? Is this truly the plan that you have for DCM? Just then I had a vision of a stadium and revival taking place. I’ve had this vision repeatedly over the years. The first vision was of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers Stadium and now this time I am seeing a second stadium, a Charlotte stadium!!! At that moment Holy Spirit impressed in my spirit that the next revival that comes will impact, yes, NATIONS!!! It’s a revival to the NATIONS!!! If you know me, and many of you do, this vision was dropped in my spirit years and years ago. I have never lost site of it and I have never given up on the vision. I believe it will come to pass and I believe DCM is a vital part of seeing this revival come to pass.
My desire through this email is to send you a virtual HUG from DCM to each and everyone of you for your prayers and support this year. Whatever God has planned for DCM will not happen without all of you and the others He is drawing to this vision. Thank you for your financial support. Thank you for standing with us. Thank you that we can continue to offer everything we do based on our “Pay It Forward” approach. The fun thing is this, by always taking this approach it stretches our faith as we watch God provide for every event. Whether through one time gifts, monthly recurring contributions or gifts given at the next event that models our heart and pays it forward for the next person to attend.
My promise to you as founder, is to always be transparent, open and honest. To always be held accountable for the vision and the finances that He has entrusted to us. To prayerfully seek God for wisdom and direction and to be the best steward of God’s provision and blessings that we can possible be.
In 2019 we have many things slated to accomplish to impact lives for Christ. Our mission is to; Find, Prepare and Launch women and men into their destiny.
Vision and Goals for 2019:
- Research and acquire funding for a Girls Home.
- San Jose Retreat….May
- Tampa Retreat…..August
- Leadership Summit….
- Secure office space to house the ministry.
- Connect and network with leadership in and around the Greater Charlotte area, and beyond, to pray for revival.
- Continue to move forward knowing God has given us a vision for a church.
- Develop and implement a curriculum for growing leaders, to fulfill their role in ministry, marketplace ministry, etc.
- To explore the possibility of staff positions and opportunities
This is just a short list of what Our Heavenly Father has placed in our spirit to accomplish.
We thank you for standing with us. We honestly pray for each and everyone of you. We pray health and prosperity in your relationships, in your ministries, in your jobs. We pray that God will open up doors for you that no man can close, and He will close doors that no man can open. That He will show Himself as an Eph 3:20 God in 2019…..doing Exceedingly, Abundantly, more than you could ever ask, think or imagine. We at DCM are standing on that scripture for us and for YOU!!!
Thank You ….. We Love You and look forward to seeing you in 2019 and hearing what God is doing in your life.
Until Then!!!
From My Heart to Yours!!!
BIG, BIG Hugs!!!
Diana Lynn Gaddey
Destiny’s Calling Ministries