Greetings Everyone,
The weather is changing and Fall is in the air. Two weeks ago, we celebrated the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah and with the temperature change it really feels like a new year. It’s almost as if God has confirmed the shift from the last year of 5780 to the new year of 5781.
We’ve shifted and a page has been turned.
Here’s a question: What page would you like to turn? What page would you like to see be re-written in your life? What page would you like to not repeat in this next year??
There are things in my life that I would like to see changed in this next year. Now I need to take the correct actions to see that happen.
Maybe one of the things that you’d like to see changed is you’d like to get closer to God. How can you do that? What steps can you take to do that? Maybe, it’s setting aside a specific time everyday to read your bible and to pray and be alone with God.
Have you ever thought that putting God first and making time for Him, first thing every day, may be the very thing that will bring your situation back into order. Maybe, the real answer to your situation, is to lean into God for the answer, for the direction, His direction, His plan. Maybe, relying on our own strength, on our own plan, is the biggest mistake you/we can make.
My prayer for all of us is that we seek God for EVERY SINGLE decision that we need to make for our lives in this next year. That WE DON’T lean on our own understanding, BUT IN ALL OUR WAYS, we acknowledge HIM. Proverbs 3:5-6 says: “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”
Last thought….If we make decisions without consulting the Lord, then we will have exactly what we have because of our own plans, not Gods. We’ve leaned on our own understanding and then we wonder what the heck happened? What went wrong? Why isn’t GOD showing up? Why isn’t God helping our situation? Anne Graham Lotz said: “The ultimate answer to your prayer is Jesus.” He is the WAY, the TRUTH and LIFE!!!
I want everything in my life be God’s WAY, God’s TRUTH, and ultimately it will bring God’s LIFE to My LIFE!!!
Praying for each of you….that God’s Way and Will be evident in your life in this year 5781!!!
See you tomorrow!!!
Diana Lynn Gaddey
Destiny’s Calling Ministries
Charlotte, NC 28278
Contact us for Zoom meeting information.